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Appalachian Hiking and Camping
Join author & guide Don Defreeze

Hike the wonderful Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. Free guidance, long or short trails, see a mountain top, visit a waterfall or hike along a stream,

Camping support available

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Don Defreeze Appalachian Hiking guide

You could read my books to get a true sense and enlightenment wilderness instills, or you can join me and discuss the nature of reality while we wander into Appalachian solitude and become immersed in its natural wonders.

Hiking Character


Climb Beyond the Crest by Don Defreeze

Please Read

Climb Beyond the Crest-

Mountains and Sun


Reader's Favorite:  "Readers will enjoy how the author deals with challenging situations, and mustering enough strength for the next step, but the lessons that derive from this experience are gems for the reader...  A great read, indeed."

Read Full Review

Online Book Club:  "Climb Beyond the Crest is a wonderful and unique work that will absolutely leave you stunned...  I found myself latched onto the book all the way until the end."

Read Full Review 

Begin the hike with a focus on Don's history

Order:  Amazon | Xlibris

Attain the hiking goal and grasp the insights the journey has instilled.

Book Eccentric:  Find-out  details about Don's motivations to write Climb Beyond the Crest.  Learn his positions on several aspects of life and how writing has changed over time.  This interview is a great insight into the book's content.   Read Full Interview


Television Appearance Don Defreeze

WSLS Channel 10:  June is National Camping Month, and Don Defreeze adds his knowledge on the show.  Then, he showcases Climb Beyond the Crest.  Link to full press release

Don Defreeze Hiking Safety Television
Free  Adventure Guidance
Appalachian Trail Scene
Hiking/Camping Adventures
Roanoke City and Valley

Roanoke, Virginia USA

I offer my accompaniment and guidance as a courtesy to all that want to hike, camp and adventure. This is not only your chance to receive excellent Appalachian guidance but a time to directly hear Don's insight into the Universe we live. I'm sure it will widen your perspective. Education, BS Meteorology & Geology.

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Transportation by REID TAXI

Product Shop Example
Fossil Rock Appalachian
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